
Durham Education

The Butterflies | Resources

Aharon the Love Maker

Aharon, was known as
loving people, loving peace
and pursuing peace as this story tells:

“Two men were angry and with each other.

Aharon heard of it so he went and sat with one of them
and said to him:
My son, do you know  what your friend told me?
His heart is totally distraught
and he is tearing his clothes and crying:
‘Woe is me!
How can I look at my friend in the eye?
I am so ashamed that I hurt him!’

This is how he sat with him
until all jealousy was removed from his heart.

Then  Aharon went  and sat with the other
and said to him:
My son, see what your friend said?
His heart is distraught
and he tears his clothes and says :
‘Woe is me!
How can I lift my eyes and see my friend?
I am so ashamed that it was I who hurt him!’
This is how he sat with him until all jealousy was removed from his heart.